Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dodgy Yappers

I opened my mail today and found this contract written out to me :

We will allow you to move out of the above-mentioned apt and all keys to the apt to be returned to us by 12pm latest on the 23th OCT 2006.
First they gave their word that the date is 1st November.
Then they found a tenant, now this.
Word aint good no more..

However, the 23th deadline can only be extended to you provided the following conditions are agreed upon and will be make good by you:
So what this mutherfaarker is saying :
Do this and I will honour my words.. If not go to hell. Faaark man, words mean nothing now. And to think that you corporate mutherfaark has integrity.

1) To remove all hooks on the walls and to paint back the walls to the same existing colours.
I really remembered the tenant saying " oh the landlord is OK about hanging things. He is a cool chap.." Oh Well... People DO LIE..

2) To dry-clean all the curtains.
Maaaan... this issue is over rated. The landlord did not dry-clean mine. I do not understand why after talking for so long, they have agreed that this aint an issue and this.. again??!?!??? Are they running out of ideas?!?!

3) To allow my contractor to come into the apt during your stay to repair the floorings.
Seriously, he was talking about the master bedroom. Is he on drugs?!?! Does anyone in the right mind think that I would allow myself sleeping amongst saw dust and hollow floorings??

4) General cleaning of the apt before handing over to us on the 23th OCT.
I am legit, you aint. Dont expect me to behave like you. I will clean up. Not even an issue here. Its just what I have to do. What kind of condition is that?!?! Covering your big fat ugly ass??!?!

5) Power Supply to the apt will NOT be terminated by you but instead a transfer will be done by the new tenant on the 23th OCT itself.
Eat shit and die man you piece of crap. You really think I am gonna hand everything over to you on a silver platter?

In order not to have any unnecessary mis-understanding, please reply via e-mail if you are agreeable to all the above terms by the 16th SEPT (sat) 2006.
Now they want a reply in 2 days. Gosh we have been hammering them for a conclusion since 2 weeks ago.. the agony of it all... ARGH!!

Thank you for your co-operation.
What cooperation?!?! Its all just YOU YOU And farkking YOU! Go sue me you faaarking piece of shit. You really cannot expect more from an educated person. Just another literate pirate. Like I said, you faaaaaaaaaaarking piece of shit. go to hell man.


iuh said...

wah lao eh.. they think others are idiots, is it? if i were you, i wont even bother to clean up. really full of nonsense! seriously, i think you should ignore this piece of shit contract/letter. they have earned so much rental from you over the years, and now, they try to be stupid! wah lao eh.. i read already, also buay tahan! they sure live in their own world! morons!

Anonymous said...

Man.. that's nasty. I might have some problems on my side sooner or later too I guess. I feel for you, neighbour!

sundaynews said...

yah man they suck faaarking Yaps..