Monday, October 02, 2006


I really cannot believe that Coop is blogging too! Ahh... bonziman did warn me but i wouldn't believe it... can't expect much surprises from someone who does 5000 and another 1750 reprints of the same print eh. totally corporatised dude..

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Monday, September 18, 2006

Singapore's First Women's Talk-Cock Club

Welcome to my Harem. Hehe.. I is the ultimate pimp. Wherez me pimpstick and the Cup?!?!

Singapore First Women's Talk-Cock Club

featuring the MUFI bowling Team

Not that they are not part of the SFWTCC but its because they went to toilet la.. duno go where la.. TCing la...when the picture was taken..sorry Jess my photoshop skills not that good. You seem a lil 7th month in the pic.. hehehe

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dodgy Yappers

I opened my mail today and found this contract written out to me :

We will allow you to move out of the above-mentioned apt and all keys to the apt to be returned to us by 12pm latest on the 23th OCT 2006.
First they gave their word that the date is 1st November.
Then they found a tenant, now this.
Word aint good no more..

However, the 23th deadline can only be extended to you provided the following conditions are agreed upon and will be make good by you:
So what this mutherfaarker is saying :
Do this and I will honour my words.. If not go to hell. Faaark man, words mean nothing now. And to think that you corporate mutherfaark has integrity.

1) To remove all hooks on the walls and to paint back the walls to the same existing colours.
I really remembered the tenant saying " oh the landlord is OK about hanging things. He is a cool chap.." Oh Well... People DO LIE..

2) To dry-clean all the curtains.
Maaaan... this issue is over rated. The landlord did not dry-clean mine. I do not understand why after talking for so long, they have agreed that this aint an issue and this.. again??!?!??? Are they running out of ideas?!?!

3) To allow my contractor to come into the apt during your stay to repair the floorings.
Seriously, he was talking about the master bedroom. Is he on drugs?!?! Does anyone in the right mind think that I would allow myself sleeping amongst saw dust and hollow floorings??

4) General cleaning of the apt before handing over to us on the 23th OCT.
I am legit, you aint. Dont expect me to behave like you. I will clean up. Not even an issue here. Its just what I have to do. What kind of condition is that?!?! Covering your big fat ugly ass??!?!

5) Power Supply to the apt will NOT be terminated by you but instead a transfer will be done by the new tenant on the 23th OCT itself.
Eat shit and die man you piece of crap. You really think I am gonna hand everything over to you on a silver platter?

In order not to have any unnecessary mis-understanding, please reply via e-mail if you are agreeable to all the above terms by the 16th SEPT (sat) 2006.
Now they want a reply in 2 days. Gosh we have been hammering them for a conclusion since 2 weeks ago.. the agony of it all... ARGH!!

Thank you for your co-operation.
What cooperation?!?! Its all just YOU YOU And farkking YOU! Go sue me you faaarking piece of shit. You really cannot expect more from an educated person. Just another literate pirate. Like I said, you faaaaaaaaaaarking piece of shit. go to hell man.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Garang Guni Car

I really didn't know boxes are so easy to find...seriously. So yesterday Sally came over to my office with like 8 boxes.Stuffed the car so full that Botak officially christianed my car to be the ' GARANG GUNI CAR'.

Oh and XL says her mom can get some from me ; Feo, who has been religiously reading this nonsensical blog offered me like 5.


Kudos to all Serene's friends. hehehe. Cool Bananas. I am the Box Collector.

This thing for trade??! Yea, using it now. Its awesome really; much better than my piece of crap that broke down, again. So my laptop is officially decomissioning after XMAS. Everything on it is external..external monitor, usb reader, card reader, mouse, CDROM... goodness..

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sunny Buick

I can't help but to surf sunny's sold out originals after Min told me. Now I feel even more pissed!! ARGHH!!!

Fark man and it costs just as much as a Shag print!!

Min, you suck..

Asian Pin Up

Kitty Papillon

Paris series


Boxes Boxes

I need BOXES!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Where is the morality of it all??

Well, they say its a dog-eat-dog world. But its really sad when people are just cashing out on another's death. His family is real cool man. People should just give them a break. They knocked off the state funeral; stating that he was just a regular bloke doing what he thinks is fair dinkum. Asked whoever who want to donate to give it to the environment.

And here you have people selling tribute newspapers($152?!?!?) and $1 bills just to cash in on his death. wtf is that all about?!?!

yup, and who can ever forget the dutchman. Von Dutch's Personal Paint and Pin-Striping Box was sold for US $310,500 at Brucker Brothers Kustom Kulture Auction.

This personal paint box was inherited from his father and as for Von Dutch, who railed at the absurdity of money and material possessions, would probably be cursing and swearing in his grave. Nooo Noooo Not approve of this shit at all man.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Art of Von Dutch

I think everyone should know that Dutch is an actual person a legend and not just a clothing line. He probably would have flipped in his grave knowing that BKK and Shenzen was selling tees with his flying eyeballs for $2.99 in different colours.

The hunt is sweeter than the kill

Life of David Gale.

I watched this movie some years back. Loved what he said about fantasies. I think I should be happy with my pay, because once I get it, I always want more.. more toys; more bicycles ; bigger house; motorbikes...blah blah blah..

... fantasies have to be unrealistic. Because the moment, the second you get what you seek, you don’t, you can’t want it anymore. In order to continue to exist, desire must have it’s objects perpetually absent. It’s not the it that you want; it’s the fantasy of it. So desire supports crazy fantasies. This is what Pascal means when he says that we are only truly happy when daydreaming about future happiness. Or why we say the hunt is sweeter than the kill, or be careful what you wish for. Not because you’ll get it, because you’re doomed not to want it once you do.
So the lesson of Leccan is, living by your wants will never make you happy. What it means to be fully human is to strive to live by ideas and ideals, and not to measure your life by what you’ve attained in terms of your desires, but those small moments of integrity, compassion, rationality, even self sacrifice. Because in the end, the only way that we can measure the significance of our own lives, is by valuing the lives of others.
-- David Gale, Life of David Gale

Got this from

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Betty or whats left of her

For some time now, I have been wanting to mod Betty. So after sending it to the workshop that is run by this horrendous old bubu,this is whats left of it.
Replacing them : $500
Selling them : $10
Agony of dealing with the greedy lil aunti : priceless

::My eBay Listing::

Monday, August 21, 2006

Parking Idiots Blog

::Parking Idiot Blog::

To all my friends who drive :

Once upon a time, people hang out at void decks to play their guitar, chill with friends, and cop a smoke. Nowadays, armed with their cutting edge mobile phones, they snap cars of drivers who park badly. And name them, "Parking Idiots"

Friends, please park with caution !!Parking badly has moved up the rung on the inconsiderate level! Forget about taxi drivers swerving from the extreme right to pick up random passengers;drivers that don't indicate, drivers that indicate for nothing.Put away the woes from idiots who suddenly cut into your lane and hit their brakes.And bad parkers deserves to be lynched compared to those with their all mighty "Stop-Anywhere-Anytime-HAZARD LIGHT." syndrome.

Sidenote for those who have not met patients with this syndrome: They are the HE-Mans of the Road. Armed with their Hazard Light, they stop anywhere; middle of curve, one LANE street, busy road in town, or even at a turn. If you have not met them, good for you and praise the LORD.

(Ok friends, I am not saying that al'ofya are selfish or even park like sh*t. But I think that you might have experienced a bad park once in a while, especially in a deserted lot.

Sidenote to myself:

Hmmm, I wonder if there will be a site dedicated to people who open their doors really wide and f**king leave a dent on other people's car. I think that is more inconsiderate than parking on the line when the carpark is extremely empty.. Oh well, but thats just me.

Park well my friends, may the park be with you.

::Another Forum::

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Singapore Poly Maritime Admins

I am not someone who usually shout at service people but those 2 admins at SP SMA really puts shame to the word bully.

It was a string of events but what made me blow was the way she asked me for payment. I believe that there are several ways to ask for payment but my reply from "Give me your card " does not constitue a "payment card la.. what card do you think it is?" I mean I have so many cards, from drivers license to credit cards, discount cards, employee card and key card. Which freaking card you 'behind- the counter-in-your-own-world-short-of-being-a-bitch' want?

I admit that I do look like a student and I was thinking if they treat the students the way they treated me, I pity the whole lot of them. It was definately a class act when they deal with students.

Only after realising that I am NOT a student of theirs do I see a smile, proper structured questions and get a welcome that comes behind a thank you.( Instead of constant hissing and mumbles)

Like I said, I never shouted at a stranger before. We were always told to respect our elders. If these are the people that we should naturally respect, I think its time to rethink my beliefs passed down to me. These two ladies do not deserve an inch of it. Kudos.

Oh my view from my study.Moving out soon ,(again).

Friday, July 21, 2006


Call me crazy but I really like this picture taken by my phone...

Monday, July 03, 2006

AriZona Beverage Peter Max 1998 Liberty Art

While I was packing my study, I found this unopened bottle sitting in one corner!!
Should I list it on eBay??Should I ?? Should I??Should I ?? Should I??Should I ?? Should I??..

* Renowned '60s pop-artist Peter Max's love for bold lines, bright colors and abstract art can now be found on bottles of AriZona Lemon Tea. The limited edition series of labels will feature two of Max's many paintings of the Statue of Liberty and two others to be assigned by Ferolito, Vultaggio & Sons later this summer. The "Liberty Labels" will replace the regular Lemon Tea label until the end of the year or while supplies last.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Feel like Chicken Tonight?

I really do not know how accurate this is or where the source is from. But I do find the pictures somewhat disturbing...and well-taken. Its like the people are actually posing for the shot. Which is strange as this would break their rice bowl?

Oh well but here goes anyways.

Early dawn, starts the day by riding around to collect dead chicken

Asking around for dead chicken

Total of 5 riders are hired by the boss to farms to buy dead chicken

A dead chicken cost 1 RMB and would be sold at 9 RMB after processing

Storage for the dead chicken in the court yard

carcasses are thrown everywhere

And on the floor....

4 employees start de-feathering the dead fowl after soaking in boiling water from a rusty wok

Enduring the pungent odour, but sometime, it get so terrible that even the most experience d of the workers would puke

Workers rushing to get the chicken de-feathered

A discarded bath tub being used to soak the bare skin dead chicken ... the contaminated water would have accelerated the decomposition process

Wearing slippers walking among the chicken before colouring processing

After the colour dye, its creepy to find that they are quite tenderising

And now presenting the mouth watering Charcoal Roasted Chicken!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Citizen I:VIRT Bluetooth Watch

Release Date: July 7th 2006 woohooohooo..

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Are you addicted to this???

Its all about the World Cup...

A call at anytime to place a legal bet?
My Very own Pre-paid card

Coupled with awesome channel 27 & 28 due to S's request..This is my entertainment for the month of June.

Sidenote :
There is this colleague of mine who does nothing but talk real loud and look at other ppls's screen outputs

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My new interest :: RazR::

Hmm, I have decided to compile all the information available for V3i mods and what nots. There is just too much mis/information available online.
So last night, I finally connected my phone to my PC with P2K.It took me a while to realise that I had to change data connection to modem connection settings..GOSH!And the drivers.. it drove me insane.
So iuh, if you are reading this.. In case I brick my phone, would you lend me yours? I think it would probably be after bricking Serene's.. then maybe yours.. lil lily.. big bu's HAHAH.. list goes on.. (BTW, I lurveeeeeeeeee the mantous..)

I am not really into hackin stuff.. but modding... its a whole new story..
themotoguide and
This is what prisons can do to you...

The new V3iDG

Friday, June 02, 2006


My autographed copy.. a week after it arrived in my mailbox, they released a hardcover of it.. c0rp0rate M***F****RS!!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy birthday ron

Life on the Bund. Taken by yours truly...
serene got pee-ed on here. hehehe..poor thing..

Friday, April 07, 2006

My last day @work

Call me a sentimental fool but leaving a place never fails to tug my 'batteries' a lil. I am a robot.

Friday, March 31, 2006



Sunday, March 19, 2006

dyno Roadsterrrr

This 2m bike hangs on my wall waiting for some kind soul to do me a pinstripped fuel tank... hehehe...
Min, if you see this, I aint selling it!! Hahahahaha
I think its my karma, I cant load the pic up..

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Bling me dollar sign ring

<-- Ok, I really would like a dollar sign ring a bling..haha
I wish for you to call me now....AHHH am dying..
UPDATE: so they called.. contract!? haha... REJECT..

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Cool Illusion

Got it from here. Go try it.

If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink. If you stare at the black + in the center, the moving dot turns to green. Now, concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period of time, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see a green dot rotating if you're lucky! It's amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear. This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Boots...Everyone Loves Boots..

To all the guys out there !!
If you ever visit Thailand, remember to bring your PSP/MP3 Player /Magazine when your gf / mom/ next-door-neighbour visits BOOTs...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Who is Tammy From NYP??

Who !? Who is Tammy from NYP??!?!

And so I dug... ..

I was intrigued by how the search for Tammy has reached No.1 on some search ranking website..So these 2 'Sillypore'-reans, ( term coined by "Book of Aletheia"), ' Tammy' and 'Andy T' gained some popularity amongst the inhabitans of 'Sillypore'.

So if you want to read more about it, information can be found via :: MYSPY :: (many links here) , ::ROCKSON :: (link to Steven Lim??!!??) and "Book of Aletheia" ... google search... Hardwarezone ëat-drink-man-woman forums.... Straits Time, :: Xialanxue :: @ blogspot,Sammyboy Kopitiam Forums... blah blah blah...

There seems to be some flaming going on around.....

Ok, am done with it.. they look pretty decent for amatuer porn starrrsss.... backdrop and sound needs a lil improvement i think...

How could 2 ordinary individuals gain so much attention?!?!? AHHHH!!!


I said I would stop digging..oh well.. I got bored.. so anyways...

Some joker is selling her vidz on eBay

Thats crap because it should be FREE!! hehe..anyways click around and you will get a FREE ONE!! TRUST ME!!

mj game for 3??

So, yesterday's mj got me thinking about this... If its a 3-person mj game, how does it work then... hmmm...anyways was wiped out of me chips before the round could end..damit..

...Solution for Stinkers...

I have been observing her for a while now... whenever my nose gets a whiff of that familiar stench, it is always followed by sounds of pounding of her feet in short spurts...
And today, the same thing happened again.. I have established the fact that she has to fart every morning, just before lunch.. while shaking her feet...

So I hopped onto the internet and searched for some gizmo that may help in that.. and I found this::Vitamin C Undies PLUS Anti-Odor Duds !!! Story via ::Gizmodo::

It has some nanotechnology thingo going on to stop their stinks.. how cool is that.. think I will ask her to get one.. heheheh

So for those of you who think you/people you know might stink(be it for whatever reason, go check it out man...)
Product by ::[OnlyOnefix]::

My take on it is this:: The foul smell will be filtrated by the nano-whatever-tech....its molecules transformed into blossom/cherry perfumeeee...resulting in a happier cubicle sharing mate ... mainly me!!

Gosh I have completely lost my appetite...